Gopal Chandra Memorial College of Education

(Govt. Aided Co-educational Institute)

গোপাল চন্দ্র স্মৃতি শিক্ষক শিক্ষণ মহাবিদ্যালয়

गोपाल चन्द्र स्मृति शिक्षक शिक्षण महाबिद्य़ालय

Recognized by NCTE and Affiliated to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University (BSAEU)

Notice for B.Ed. 1st Semester Students (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 05-10-2024]     Corrigendum Notice [Notice Dated: 28-09-2024]     3rd Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 27-09-2024]     2nd Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 23-09-2024]     1st Provisional Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 18-09-2024]     Provisional Merit List for All Subjects (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 17-09-2024]     Notice regarding Provisional Merit List for B.Ed. Admission 2024-26 Session [Notice Dated: 17-09-2024]     Rules & Regulations of Online Application for B.Ed. Admission (2024-2026 Session) (Dated: August, 2024)    

General Rules


All the students, faculty members and employees of the Institute can register themselves for the membership of the Library. Library membership form is available at the Membership Counter. The Library membership can also be availed by the retired employees and Alumni of the Institute. All Students, faculty and staff members are issued Photo Identity cards. Their entitlements, in terms of the number of books that can be borrowed by them, are as follows:

Category of Member No. of Books that can be issued Duration of issue Renewal allowed Membership Form Attestation by Librarian
Faculty & Academic Staff 10 One month One time Librarian
Administrative Staff 02 One month One time Librarian
Students 02 15 days One time Librarian
Students (Book Bank) 03 One semester  One time Librarian
Technical and Supporting Staff (CWT) 05  One month One time Head of the Institution (HoI)

Rules and Regulations

General Rules

• No member is allowed to enter the Library premises without a valid Library Identity Card.
• It is obligatory on all students of the College to be a member of the library.
• Member shall observe silence in the Reading Room, and should avoid any type of conversation in the Reading Room to avoid any annoyance.
• Use of cell phone in the Library Reading Room is strictly prohibited.
• Members shall not smoke of spit in any part of the library.
• Members shall not selves the books and periodicals to avoid.
• Any disturbance to the prescribed norms.
• Members are responsible for any damage to the books or any other property belonging to the library caused by them shall be penalized as imposed by the librarian and disciplinary action will be initiated upon them.
• Personal belongings like bags (laptop, shoulder, sling etc.), umbrellas, personal books, photocopied documents, folders etc. should be deposited at the Counter against a token to facilitate the librarian work. These are not allowed inside the Library.
• Upon any infringement of the library rules the membership and privilege for admission in the library will be forfeited.
• Student may call for one volume of a book previously lended without previous notice for consultation.
• The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner.
• Loss of Library Cards, he/she should immediately be reported to the Librarian for getting 'Duplicate Card' against lost one. An amount of Rs.50/- should be deposited at the cash counter and the cash receipt should be deposited at the Membership Registration section.
• On entering the Library, every library user/member will be required to write legibly his/her name in full in the registered book.
• Library borrowers could issue his/her books for the first 15 days and can be renewed for maximum 2 times at the same duration.
• All external member from other institution and ex-students should be renewed periodically as per rules.
• After receiving the 'No Dues Certificate' / 'Clearance Certificate', it should be preserved his/her own safe custody to avoid any type of complexity in the future.

** These rules are subject to revision/updating from time to time without assigning any reason.

Cost Recovery of Lost Books

Following is the approved criteria for recovering the cost of lost books by Library members:

• The lost book should be replaced by a new book with overdue charges, if any and with processing charges of Rs. 100/- for each book.
• In case the book is out of print or not available in the market then the double of the cost mentioned in the Accession register should be charged with processing charges of Rs. 100/- for each book with overdue charges, if any.
• Minimum of Rs. 300/- to be charged with processing charges of Rs. 100/- for each book with overdue charges, if any.
• The cost of the book in foreign currency to be charged at the current conversion rate of the currency.

Overdue Fine

Items that are returned after the due date are considered overdue. Overdue fines are assessed at the following rates:

• Re.1/- per day for the books issued from General Section.

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