Gopal Chandra Memorial College of Education

(Govt. Aided Co-educational Institute)

গোপাল চন্দ্র স্মৃতি শিক্ষক শিক্ষণ মহাবিদ্যালয়

गोपाल चन्द्र स्मृति शिक्षक शिक्षण महाबिद्य़ालय

Recognized by NCTE and Affiliated to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University (BSAEU)

Open Access Journals

The College Library provides some important open access journals and links for freely downloading and copying the articles or text.

Free Full-Text journals online
Directory of Open Access Journals
Open Access Journals access-jts.htm
Digital Library of Indian website
Catalogue of World Libraries
Full Text journals & e-Books online

e-Journals at N-LIST

Subscribed Open Access e-Journals

The Librarian subscribes to the following e-resources for the College Library. All electronic resources subscribed under N-LIST Programme are available from the publisher's website.

e-Journals (Full-text)

American Institute of Physics [18 titles]
Annual Reviews [33 titles]
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title]
Indian Journals [180+ titles]
Institute of Physics [46 titles]
JSTOR [2500+ titles]
Oxford University Press [262 titles]
Royal Society of Chemistry [29 titles]
H. W. Wilson [3000+ titles]
Cambridge University Press [224 titles] (2010-2016)


Scholarly e-Journals from UGC-NLIST

e-Journals - 6,000

Indian Academy of Science Journals

Current Science

e-Shodh Sindhu


Based on the recommendation of an Expert Committee, the Ministry of HRD (now renamed as Ministry of Education) has formed e-Shodh Sindhu merging three consortia initiatives, namely UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, NLIST and INDEST-AICTE Consortium. The e-Shodh Sindhu will continue to provide current as well as archival access to more than 10,000 core and peer-reviewed journals and a number of bibliographic, citation and factual databases in different disciplines from a large number of publishers and aggregators to its member institutions including centrally-funded technical institutions, universities and colleges that are covered under 12(B) and 2(f) Sections of the UGC Act.

How to Join?

Eligible CFTIs and Universities wishing to join the Consortium may request for membership of the Consortium being executed by INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar.

Please visit the online e-Resource Requisition System for joining the consortium in its new model from 2018 at

Who is Eligible to Join?

The E-Shodh Sindhu Consortium is open to Ministry of HRD funded Higher Education Institutions and Universities/Colleges that are covered under 12(B) and 2(f) Sections of the UGC Act, Deemed Universities fully or partially funded by UGC. Through the AICTE, Government Engineering Colleges and Universities having engineering departments/faculty are also provided access of engineering resources.


Journal module shows the list of bound volumes of journals available. As soon as the user clicks on “Journals” button of toolbar, a list with two fields (i.e. Title and Publisher) containing journals is displayed. Journals can be listed out either alphabetically based on their name or by broad subject category. User can also view the detail of a particular journal by clicking on that particular entry in the list. The details displayed are; Journal Name, Publisher, Publishing Place, Country, Location, Frequency, Library and, Issues, History Status.

Tutorial on Electronic Resources

The e-Resources subscribed by the Library and accessed in the Library by using User Id and Password. The same is also accessible through Remote Login from outside the Library to the Faculty Members. Users need not be in the Library to access the e-Resources; however the Library staffs provides support to access the resources fruitfully.

American Institute of Physics (AIP) Journals: American Institute of Physics is a not-for-profit corporation chartered in 1931 to provide publishing and distribution services for scientific and technical societies. AIP is the publisher or co-publisher of 19 journals, two magazines, and the AIP Conference Proceedings series, many of which have the highest impact factors in their category. AIP’s online publishing platform, Scitation currently hosts more than 10,00,000 articles from 170 publications of 25 scholarly publishers.


Annual Reviews: Annual Reviews journals are among the highly cited in the scientific literature and are available to individuals, institutions, and consortia throughout the world. Since 1932, Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 46 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences. The collection covers 43 titles as part of the subscribed contents.


Cambridge University Press: Cambridge University Press (CUP) is the world’s oldest publishing house and the second-largest university press in the world. It currently publishes more than 380 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, science, technology, and medicine. IIT Delhi gets access to about 203 Journals.


EBSCO Discovery Service (Single Window Search): It is an all-inclusive search solution that makes in-depth research easy. The platform offers sophisticated features and functionality that anticipate user intent, helping them get to exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily. It helps Researchers Achieve Academic Success, Unlock the power of Library’s collection and improve the end-user search experience with EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS).

Features and functionality include:
• Sophisticated Search: Rich metadata and superior relevance ranking technology.
• Direct Access to Full-Text: One-click access directly through the results list.
• Intuitive Interface: Features and technology built on user research.
• Superior Integrations: Apps and integrations with multiple platforms.


Elsevier’s Science Direct: Science Direct is the web-based interface to the full-text database of Elsevier Science journals, one of the world’s largest providers of scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature. The Science Direct offers a rich electronic environment for research journals, bibliographic databases, and reference works. The database offers more than 3500 scientific, technical and medical peer-reviewed journals, over 75 million abstracts, over 12 million full-text scientific journal articles, an expanding suite of bibliographic databases and linking to another one million full-text articles via CrossRef to other publishers’ platforms. It’s an integrated to the platform, cross-linking to SD eBooks as well.


JSTOR: The majority of contents of JSTOR are in the archive as journal literature, though the inclusion of other materials such as conference proceedings, transactions, pamphlets, monographs, manuscripts, and other materials is growing. Currently, there are more than 3923 titles, including previous year titles, as well as other contents. New titles and other materials are being added regularly.


Oxford University Press: Oxford Journals is a division of Oxford University Press, which is a department of Oxford University. Oxford University Press Journal Collection covers over 262 titles, encompassing Humanities, Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics & Physical Sciences (Engineering), Medicine and Social Sciences. These journals are prestigious, authoritative, and are published in collaboration with reputed professional associations ensuring excellence in research, scholarship, and education.


SAGE: SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality contents, publishing more than 1000 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. The Library has access to Sage Engineering and Materials Science Package (81 titles) and Sage - Humanities & Social Science Package (519 titles).


SpringerLink: SpringerLink is one of the world’s leading interactive databases for high-quality STM journals, book series, online reference works, e-books, and online archives collection. SpringerLink, however, now as SpringerNature is a powerful central access point for researchers and scientists. The SpringerLink Online Journal collection includes more than 2,000 peer-reviewed journals, comprising of more than 1,000,000 individual documents. Titles include access to complete back issues from 1996 onwards, with digital conversion of all back issues under way, making every title available from Volume I, Issue I onwards. Springer organizes the Online Journals into fully indexed, fully searchable Subject Collections covering 11 subjects: behavioural science, biomedical and life sciences, business and economics, chemistry and materials science, computer science, earth and environmental science, engineering, humanities, social sciences and law, mathematics, medicine and physics, and astronomy.


Taylor & Francis: Taylor & Francis partners with world-class authors, from leading scientists and researchers to scholars and professionals operating at the top of their fields. Together, they publish in all areas of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, Technology, and Medicine sectors. They are one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, eBooks, text books, and reference works. The IITD Library has access to Taylor & Francis - Science & Technology + Social Science & Humanities Package (468+1287) and Taylor & Francis - Selected Core Titles (37).


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