Gopal Chandra Memorial College of Education

(Govt. Aided Co-educational Institute)

গোপাল চন্দ্র স্মৃতি শিক্ষক শিক্ষণ মহাবিদ্যালয়

गोपाल चन्द्र स्मृति शिक्षक शिक्षण महाबिद्य़ालय

Recognized by NCTE and Affiliated to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University (BSAEU)

Notice for B.Ed. 1st Semester Students (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 05-10-2024]     Corrigendum Notice [Notice Dated: 28-09-2024]     3rd Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 27-09-2024]     2nd Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 23-09-2024]     1st Provisional Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 18-09-2024]     Provisional Merit List for All Subjects (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 17-09-2024]     Notice regarding Provisional Merit List for B.Ed. Admission 2024-26 Session [Notice Dated: 17-09-2024]     Rules & Regulations of Online Application for B.Ed. Admission (2024-2026 Session) (Dated: August, 2024)    

Library Handbook

Cover Page of Library Handbook

Library Handbook (Know Your Library)


The vision of the College Library, Kolkata is to become one of the pioneer Education Libraries in India in the field of information resources and services. We envision our space as a catalyst for knowledge creation and investigation - a vibrant social and intellectual information centre that brings scholars and discipline together.


The mission of the College Library, Kolkata is to provide information resources and excellent services to all its stakeholders along with an appropriate environment for information access, teaching, learning, and research activities by the applications of information and communication technology (ICT).

About the Library

The College Library was started along with establishment of the College in 1967, in order to cater to the academic and research needs of the students, scholars, staffs, researchers and non-teaching staff of this College. Since, then the College Library has gone from strength to strength to live-up to the expectations of its immediate climates. It is one on the best equipped Libraries in Kolkata and also in the West Bengal.

It has over 19,011 documents on various disciplines. The main collection of the Library is in the field of Education, School Education, Teacher Education, Science Education, Social Science Education and Language Education. The collection of Library comprises of Books, Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Atlases, Maps, Back Volumes of Journals, Annual Reports, Yearbooks, Conference proceedings, Educational Surveys & Reports, SCERT, NCTE and NCERT publications. The Library is subscribing to several national and international journals both print and online. It also subscribes to important e-resources.

The Library is computerized using SOUL (Network Version) Integrated Library Management System Software. The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is provided for easy searching and retrieval of Library documents. All the in-house publications of the Institute are available in the Library.

The College Library has trans-disciplinary programme of teaching & learning since its development. Students from this institution can be found all over the India pursuing careers in academics and other fields.

Library Collections

Total Number of Books - 19,011
Number of Back Volumes Journals - 176
Total Number of Journals - 10
Indian Journal - 09
International Journal - 01
Gift Journal - 21
Number of News Paper - 02
Number of Magazine - 01


1,99,500+  e-Books under N-LIST
6,00,000+ e-Books through NDL
6,000+ Scholarly e-Journals from UGC-NLIST

Library Opening Hours

Week Days Library Hours
Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Saturday 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Library Membership and Circulation: Policies and Guidelines

All students, faculty, and employees of the Institute are entitled to the membership of the Library. The Library membership can also be availed by the retired employees and Alumni of the Institute.

Entitlement for number of books to be borrowed

Category of Member No. of Books that can be issued Duration of issue Renew
Faculty & Academic Staff 10 One Month One Time
Administrative Staff 02 One Month One Time
Students 02 15 Days One Time
Students (Book Bank) 04 One Semester One Time
Technical and Supporting Staff (CWT) 05 One Month One Time

Borrowing Rules

1. The readers should check the books thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, etc. while getting them issued.

2. No book in damaged condition will be accepted from the users on return. Damaged books will have to be replaced with new books by the borrower.

Loss of Identity Card/Library Card

The loss of Identity Card should be reported immediately to the Librarian and Circulation Counter of the Library. The Circulation Counter will issue Duplicate Library/Identity Card. Borrowers shall be responsible for any loss or misuse of their original/duplicate card.

Issue and Return Timings

1. General books are issued or returned on weekdays from 11:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. at the circulation counter. However, books can be borrowed/returned till the Library opening hours which currently is round the clock.

2. Text/Reference Books can be consulted within the Reading Room premises on depositing Identity Card at Circulation counter.

3. Two textbooks can be issued on loan for two days from the Library with the special permission of the Librarian.

4. Four books from the book bank can be issued for the whole semester to B. Ed students only.

Cost Recovery of Books Lost by the Library Members

Following is the approved criteria for recovering the cost of lost books by Library Members:

1. The lost book should be replaced by a new book with overdue charges if any and with processing charges of Rs. 100/- for each book.

2. In case the book is out of print or not available in the market, then double the cost mentioned in the Accession Register should be charged with processing charges of Rs.100/- for each book with overdue charges if any.

3. The cost of the book in foreign currency to be charged at the current conversion rate of the currency
Electronic Journals and Online Bibliographic Databases.

The Institute has access to over 6,000 full-text electronic journals/proceedings/standards and over 10 databases/bibliographic databases from several publishers and aggregators access through NLIST and e-Shodh Sindhu consortium. The details and links to these electronic journals are available through the Library web site as well as through the Library Web OPAC.

Facilities available in the library

  • Easy Registration Process
  • Borrowing Facilities
  • Computer
  • Reading Room
  • Book Bank
  • Career Guidance
  • Books and Study Materials for Competitive Examinations
  • Book Exhibitions
  • Reprographic & Scanning
  • Syllabus & Question papers
  • Open Access System
  • OPAC
  • Internet
  • Digital Information centre(e-Resource Centre)
  • Drinking Water

Electronic Journals

The Librarian subscribes to the following e-resources for the College Library. All electronic resources subscribed under N-LIST Programme are available from the publisher's website and direct access through e-Shodh Sindhu consortium (MHRD). The details and links to these electronic journals are available through the Library website.

e-Journals (Full-Text)

American Institute of Physics [18 titles]
Annual Reviews [33 titles]
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title]
Indian Journals [180+ titles]
Institute of Physics [46 titles]
JSTOR [2500+ titles]
Oxford University Press [262 titles]
Royal Society of Chemistry [29 titles]
H. W. Wilson [3000+ titles]
Cambridge University Press [224 titles] (2010-2016)
e-Shodh Sindhu (eSS)

Scholarly e-Journals from UGC-NLIST

E-Journals - 6,000

Indian Academy of Science (IAS) Journals

Current Science

Electronic Books

The College Library has near about 15000 e-books in its archive. It covers all the discipline taught in the college. All Govt. aided colleges covered under Section 12B of UGC Act are eligible to access e-resources through the N-LIST programme. For this, we subscribed electronic resources (e-Books) under N-LIST Programme. These are available from the publisher's website. The User Name and Password have already been circulated to authorized users for access of most of the eBooks. In case of any access related issue, please contact Librarian immediately or mail to Librarian.

Procured/Subscribed e-Books


Cambridge Books Online [1800 titles]
E-brary [150000+ titles]
EBSCoHost-Net Library [936 titles]
Hindustan Book Agency [65+ titles]
Institute of South East Asian Studies (ISEAS) Books [382+ titles]
Oxford Scholarship [1402+ titles]
Springer e-Books [2300 titles]
Sage Publication e-Books [1000 titles]
Taylor Francis eBooks [1800 titles]
My Library-McGraw Hill [1124 titles]
South Asia Archive [through NDL]
World e-Books Library [Now available through NDLI only]

1,99,500+ e-Books under N-LIST
6,00,000+ e-Books through NDL

Free Digital Libraries

For Free Access Books & Journals using Login ID and Password

World e-Books Library [Now available through NDLI only]
Internet Archive
Hathi Trust
Khan Academy
World Digital Library
20 free Online Libraries for Students
Open Library

Free e-Books

• AMS Online
• IGNOU e-Gayan Kosh
• Project Gutenberg

The Library is a member of INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujrat. The users can access all types of databases hosted by INFLIBNET Centre ( using authenticated User ID and Password.

Library Services and Facilities OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)

The Library’s Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) can be accessed on Intranet and Internet to search all the records available in the Library database through Simple Search/Advance Search. The OPAC can be searched by author, title, subject, keywords, classified number, publisher etc. The OPAC also provides information about new arrivals of journals/books etc. in the Library.

Simple Search

Boolean Search

This interface allows developing complex search strategies. Boolean operators ‘And’, ‘Or’ and ‘Not’ are used in perfecting the searches.

Ask the Librarian

The Ask the Librarian Interface is popular amongst users for their different queries through the Format.

Mr. Prasanta Kumar Mondal

G. C. M. College of Education
E-mail: prosanta
Landline: +
91 33 25675823
Mobile: +91 9836179349

For any query please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact No.


Reader Assistance

The Library assists its users ranging from the location of a book to finding the specific information required by a user. A suggestion drop Box is placed to the gate of the Library room, where the users of the Library can suggest for improvements in its facilities and services apart from other ways of communication. Suggestions through E-mail, WhatsApp etc. are also welcome.

Photocopying Facility

The Library provides photocopying facility within the premises of the Library for “not to be lending materials/books”, Research and Survey Books, through our supporting staff on payment basis. The rates for photocopying are Re.1/- per page. Other, Xerox unit is available in the Office Room for Xeroxing and copying to the Library books.

Text Book and Book Bank Facility

The Library maintains a separate collection of text books that are recommended by faculty members and academic council. Text books & Reference books can be consulted within the reading room premises on the deposition of Identity Card. Text books can also be issued for 15 days. An overdue charge of Re.1/- per day per volume is charged for late return of text book.

The Book Bank is also housed in the Book Bank Section of the Library. The Book Bank holds multiple copies of selected text books & Reference books for making them available to the students for the entire duration of a semester. The book bank scheme is basically for B.Ed. students only. In Book Bank, a student can get upto 4 (four) books issued for the whole semester. Book Bank service is rental free, designed for B.Ed. students only. The overdue charges are Re.1/- per day for the Book Bank book.

User Centric Workshops/Trainings/Talks etc.

The Library organises user-centric workshops/training programs/talks etc. throughout the year. These events are highly useful for the users in information literacy, improving their writing ability and familiarize them with the latest tools and technologies which can be used in the study, research, and information retrieval. These events also give the users, the glimpses of available resources/newly added resources to the Library and the procedure to use them.

List of New Addition Services

The College Library provides the list of new additions on the notice board and also displayed on reading room. This service is very helpful for the users to get to know the newly added books in the Library. It also helps in Library procurement and collection development.

Computer and Networking Facilities in the Library

The Library has its Local Area Network (LAN). The BSNL is the Internet Service Provider with 02 Mbps Internet Bandwidth. All the students, faculties, researchers and Administrative staff use the ICT to access the resources and e-resources, e-mail checking, chat, video conference and write to blog.

All in-house activities of the Library including Collection Development, Cataloguing, Circulation, Electronic Resources Management etc. are computerized using SOUL 2.0 (Network Version) Software. The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Single Window Search of the Library can be used to search bibliographic records and full texts available in the Intranet as well as on the Internet. The updating activities of Library records and databases are done regularly. User can search the database by author, title, classification number, subject, journal title, accession number to know whether a book/document is there in the Library or not.

Library Organization

The Library has the following functional units

Acquisition (Collection Development) Section

The key function of this section is to procure all types of printed and electronic books/resources. The Acquisition Section is computerized using SOUL 2.0 (Network Version) software through LAN connection. You can contact this section in case you want a book/e-Book which is not available in the Library and is to be procured.

Technical Processing Section

This Section is responsible for performing activities for the organization of knowledge. These activities include subject classification, data sheet creation, data entry, tagging, re-tagging end other activities like a spine label generation, tooling, associated activities etc.

Circulation Services Section

The Reader Services is concerned with the issue, return, and renewal of documents to the members of the Library. Besides faculty, students, research scholars and supporting staff of Institute. It assists the readers in locating Library material. The section is also responsible for providing orientation to new entrants, casual and special visitors. The section answers queries of readers about circulation in specific. Readers may approach the Reference section for information or any assistance in the use of the Library collections and services.

Outreach Programs

This section explores to support outreach services to the users of the Library using Library resources and services. Outreach services are now an important component of the Libraries through which users are trained to make optimum use of the resources subscribed by the Library or available in open access.

Guidelines for Fair Use of e-Resources at Library

Usage Policy

• Electronic resources such as e-journals, e-databases, e-books etc. available in the Library are for academic and research use.
• These resources can be searched, browsed and material may be downloaded and printed as single copies of articles as is done in the case of printed Library material. Downloading or printing of a complete book or an entire issue or a volume of one or more journals (called systematic downloading) is strictly prohibited.
• Please be aware that systematic downloading will cause the publisher to block access to the entire community of users at GCM College from accessing these resources. The terms and conditions for using these resources are spelled out in electronic resource license agreements with each publisher. It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of e-resources does not breach the terms and conditions specified in the license agreements. Licenses vary from publisher to publisher; however, the general principles are as follows:


• Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving a copy of search results
• Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving individual articles
• Using e-resources for scholarly, educational research, teaching and private study
• Sending a copy of an article to another authorized user (i.e. current faculty, students or staff)

Not Permitted

• Bulk or automatic downloading is not permitted
• Systematic downloading or printing of entire journal issues or volumes, or large portions of other e-resources is not permitted
• Using e-resources for commercial gain is not permitted (i.e. reselling, redistributing or republishing licensed content)
• Transmitting, disseminating or otherwise making online content available to unauthorized users (i.e. sending to mailing lists or electronic bulletin) is not permitted

General Rules

• No member is allowed to enter the Library premises without a valid Library Identity Card.
• It is obligatory on all students of the college to be a member of the Library.
• Member shall observe silence in the Reading Room, and should avoid any type of conversation in the Reading Room to avoid any annoyance.
• Use of cell phone in the Library Reading Room is strictly prohibited.
• Members shall not smoke of spit in any part of the Library.
• Members shall not selves the books and periodicals to avoid any disturbance to the prescribed norms.
• Members are responsible for any damage to the books or any other property belonging to the Library caused by them shall be penalized as imposed by the Librarian and disciplinary action will be initiated upon them.
• Personal belongings like bags (laptop, shoulder, sling etc.), umbrellas, personal books, photocopied documents, folders etc. should be deposited at the Counter against a token to facilitate the Librarian work. These are not allowed inside the Library.
• Upon any infringement of the Library rules the membership and privilege for admission in the Library will be forfeited.
• Student may call for one volume of a book previously lended without previous notice for consultation.
• The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the Library staff or behaving in an indecent manner.
• Loss of Library Cards, he/she should immediately be reported to the Librarian for getting duplicate card against lost one.
• An amount of Rs.50/- should be deposited at the cash counter and the cash receipt should be deposited at the Membership Registration section.
• On entering the Library, every Library user/member will be required to write legibly his/her name in full in the registered book.
• Library borrowers could issue his/her books for the first 15 days and can be renewed for maximum 2 times at the same duration.
• All external member from other institution and ex-students should be renewed periodically as per rules.
• After receiving the “No Dues Certificate”/“Clearance Certificate”, it should be preserved his/her own safe custody to avoid any type of complexity in the future.

Contact Library Team

Mr. Prosanta Kumar Mondal

G. C. M. College of Education
Landline: +91 33 25675823
Mobile: +91 9836179349

Mr. Mohanta Guha
Library Peon

G. C. M. College of Education
Landline: +91 33 25675823
Mobile: +91 8100495400

Advisory Committee

Dr. Shreyashi Paltasingh, Principal, Chairman
Mr. Prosanta Kumar Mondal, Librarian & Member Secretary
Mr. Samaresh Adak, Asst. Professor, Member
Mr. Kausik Mandal, Asst. Professor, Member


OPAC facilitates different types of searching to retrieve the bibliographic details. Following important options are available in OPAC Search:

Basic Search

The OPAC approach provides greater ease because you can search by any word from the title or author or subject or any field. It ensures a sure success of information retrieval. The restrictions of the traditional catalogue disappear because the order of words becomes immaterial in a computer environment. Simple search option prompts the user to enter words to be searched. Search can be made in several fields.

Advance Search

This interface allows developing complex search strategies. Boolean operators ‘And’, ‘Or’ and ‘Not’ are used in perfecting the searches. For making an advance search, select the Database type (Books, Articles etc.) and search restricted to a specific field with the option to form a “phrase” or choosing “OR”, “AND” operators from the combo box.

Search Results and Display of Records

The search results are displayed in a list of titles with author, publication year, and Call no. For a selected title, complete details along with the call number and status of copies are displayed. Searches may be narrowed by specifying a period of publication and restricting them to a particular type of documents. When the user clicks on any of these search options; she/he is prompted to enter words to be searched, and as soon as the user performs any of the searches, it displays the list and provides the user with some more options in the form of buttons at the bottom of the list.


Journal module shows the list of bound volumes of journals available. As soon as the user clicks on “Journals” button of toolbar, a list with two fields (i.e. Title and Publisher) containing journals is displayed. Journals can be listed out either alphabetically based on their name or by broad subject category. User can also view the detail of a particular journal by clicking on that particular entry in the list. The details displayed are; Journal Name, Publisher, Publishing Place, Country, Location, Frequency, Library and, Issues, History Status.

Tutorial on Electronic Resources

The e-Resources subscribed by the Library and accessed in the Library by using User Id and Password. The same is also accessible through Remote Login from outside the Library to the Faculty Members. Users need not be in the Library to access the e-Resources; however the Library staffs provides support to access the resources fruitfully.

American Institute of Physics (AIP) Journals: American Institute of Physics is a not-for-profit corporation chartered in 1931 to provide publishing and distribution services for scientific and technical societies. AIP is the publisher or co-publisher of 19 journals, two magazines, and the AIP Conference Proceedings series, many of which have the highest impact factors in their category. AIP’s online publishing platform, Scitation currently hosts more than 10,00,000 articles from 170 publications of 25 scholarly publishers.


Annual Reviews: Annual Reviews journals are among the highly cited in the scientific literature and are available to individuals, institutions, and consortia throughout the world. Since 1932, Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 46 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences. The collection covers 43 titles as part of the subscribed contents.


Cambridge University Press: Cambridge University Press (CUP) is the world’s oldest publishing house and the second-largest university press in the world. It currently publishes more than 380 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, science, technology, and medicine. IIT Delhi gets access to about 203 Journals.


EBSCO Discovery Service (Single Window Search): It is an all-inclusive search solution that makes in-depth research easy. The platform offers sophisticated features and functionality that anticipate user intent, helping them get to exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily. It helps Researchers Achieve Academic Success, Unlock the power of Library’s collection and improve the end-user search experience with EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS).

Features and functionality include:
• Sophisticated Search: Rich metadata and superior relevance ranking technology.
• Direct Access to Full-Text: One-click access directly through the results list.
• Intuitive Interface: Features and technology built on user research.
• Superior Integrations: Apps and integrations with multiple platforms.


Elsevier’s Science Direct: Science Direct is the web-based interface to the full-text database of Elsevier Science journals, one of the world’s largest providers of scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature. The Science Direct offers a rich electronic environment for research journals, bibliographic databases, and reference works. The database offers more than 3500 scientific, technical and medical peer-reviewed journals, over 75 million abstracts, over 12 million full-text scientific journal articles, an expanding suite of bibliographic databases and linking to another one million full-text articles via CrossRef to other publishers’ platforms. It’s an integrated to the platform, cross-linking to SD eBooks as well.


JSTOR: The majority of contents of JSTOR are in the archive as journal literature, though the inclusion of other materials such as conference proceedings, transactions, pamphlets, monographs, manuscripts, and other materials is growing. Currently, there are more than 3923 titles, including previous year titles, as well as other contents. New titles and other materials are being added regularly.


Oxford University Press: Oxford Journals is a division of Oxford University Press, which is a department of Oxford University. Oxford University Press Journal Collection covers over 262 titles, encompassing Humanities, Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics & Physical Sciences (Engineering), Medicine and Social Sciences. These journals are prestigious, authoritative, and are published in collaboration with reputed professional associations ensuring excellence in research, scholarship, and education.


SAGE: SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality contents, publishing more than 1000 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. The Library has access to Sage Engineering and Materials Science Package (81 titles) and Sage - Humanities & Social Science Package (519 titles).


SpringerLink: SpringerLink is one of the world’s leading interactive databases for high-quality STM journals, book series, online reference works, e-books, and online archives collection. SpringerLink, however, now as SpringerNature is a powerful central access point for researchers and scientists. The SpringerLink Online Journal collection includes more than 2,000 peer-reviewed journals, comprising of more than 1,000,000 individual documents. Titles include access to complete back issues from 1996 onwards, with digital conversion of all back issues under way, making every title available from Volume I, Issue I onwards. Springer organizes the Online Journals into fully indexed, fully searchable Subject Collections covering 11 subjects: behavioural science, biomedical and life sciences, business and economics, chemistry and materials science, computer science, earth and environmental science, engineering, humanities, social sciences and law, mathematics, medicine and physics, and astronomy.


Taylor & Francis: Taylor & Francis partners with world-class authors, from leading scientists and researchers to scholars and professionals operating at the top of their fields. Together, they publish in all areas of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, Technology, and Medicine sectors. They are one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, eBooks, text books, and reference works. The IITD Library has access to Taylor & Francis - Science & Technology + Social Science & Humanities Package (468+1287) and Taylor & Francis - Selected Core Titles (37).


Library Useful Links

• OAISTER - Digital Resources Catalogue
• ERIC - Educational Resource Information Centre

• Online dictionary
• Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
• Cambridge Dictionaries Online

Language Learning
• Thesaurus
• I Love Languages
• Bharatavani-CIIL MHRD

Subject Gateways
• The MATH FORUM - Internet Mathematics Library
• SOSIG: Social Science Information Gateway
• Psych Web Resources: the Psychology gateway
• Project Euclid - Mathematics and Statistics online
• Physicsworld - the gateway to the Physics resources
• Physics Subject Gateway
• MathGuide - Internet based subject gateway in Mathematics
• GEM Consortium
• Gateway to Knowledge - Educational Resources
• Gateway to 21st Century Skills- Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM)
• EducationWorld
• Digital Learning Commons (DLC)
• Chemistry Subject Gateway
• Chemdex: The Chemistry Directory
• Cell and Molecular Biology Online - Educational Resources

• NCERT e-Pathshala for School Education
• e-PG Pathshala by UGC-INFLIBNET

Digital Libraries
• Wiley Online Library
• NSDL - National Science Digital Library of India
• National Digital Library of India
• National Digital Library
• Digital Library of India

Open Access e-Theses and Dissertations
• Vidyanidhi
• ShodhGangotri: Repository of Indian Research in Progress
• OATD - Open Access Theses and Dissertations
• Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
• Mahatma Gandhi University
• INFLIBNET - Shodhganga
• Indian Institute of Science
• Cybertesis: Global Open Access Portal

Educational Portals
• Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
• Sakshat
• NROER - National Repository of Open Educational Resources
• Karnataka Open Educational Resources - KOER

Other Libraries
• University of Mysore - Library
• RIE Bhubaneswar, Library
• RIE Bhopal, Library
• RIE Ajmer, Library
• NERIE Shillong, Library
• NCERT Library

Open CourseWares
• Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University
• NPTEL-National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
• MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW)
• Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Directory
• Academic Earth

Useful Websites
• WorldCat
• University Grants Commission (UGC)
• Regional Institute of Education, Mysore
• INFLIBNET-N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for...

Digital Resources for Children
• StoryPlace
• Story Weaver
• Story Jumper
• Pratham Books
• Magicblox
• Magic Keys
• Kids World Fun
• International Children's Digital Library

Open Access e-Journals
• Science Education
• NCERT Online Journals
• JURN directory
• Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS)
• INASP - International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications...
• HighWire Press
• Directories of Open Access Journal
• American Mathematical Society's Open Access Journals
• African Journals online

Open Access e-Books
• WIKIBOOKS: Open books for an open world
• UN University Full-Text Publications
• UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004
• The Universal Digital Library (Million Books Project)
• Read Print - Where books and people meet!
• Project Gutenberg (33,000 Books)
• NCERT e-textbooks
• Just Free Books
• Great Books and Classics
• Google Books
• DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books
• Digital Book Index
• Authoram - Public Domain Books
• American Libraries

• Wikipedia
• Scholarpedia
• KANAJA - Internet Kannada Encyclopaedia
• Encyclopaedia of Mathematics
• Encyclopaedia
• eGyanKosh
• Educational Encyclopaedia

Institutional Repositories
• Registry of Indian Open Access Repositories
• Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (IISc)
• Indian Institute of Astrophysics
• ePrints@UoM

Reference Desk
• The World Factbook
• Teacher Reference Centre
• - Fact Checker for the Internet
• Educator's Reference Desk

Useful Search Engines
• SCIRUS - for scientific information only
• Microsoft Academic Search
• Indian Employment News
• Google Translate
• Google Scholar


Library Questionnaire/Survey Example

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