Gopal Chandra Memorial College of Education

(Govt. Aided Co-educational Institute)

গোপাল চন্দ্র স্মৃতি শিক্ষক শিক্ষণ মহাবিদ্যালয়

गोपाल चन्द्र स्मृति शिक्षक शिक्षण महाबिद्य़ालय

Recognized by NCTE and Affiliated to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University (BSAEU)

Notice for B.Ed. 1st Semester Students (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 05-10-2024]     Corrigendum Notice [Notice Dated: 28-09-2024]     3rd Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 27-09-2024]     2nd Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 23-09-2024]     1st Provisional Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 18-09-2024]     Provisional Merit List for All Subjects (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 17-09-2024]     Notice regarding Provisional Merit List for B.Ed. Admission 2024-26 Session [Notice Dated: 17-09-2024]     Rules & Regulations of Online Application for B.Ed. Admission (2024-2026 Session) (Dated: August, 2024)    


SOUL 2.0 is a state-of-art Integrated Library Management Software designed and developed by the INFLIBNET Centre, for College and University Libraries. The College Library uses the SOUL Software Network Version from 2019. The Library is computerized using SOUL integrated Library Management Software. The collection of the Library is available online through the web OPAC facility of the SOUL.

Basic Search

The OPAC approach provides greater ease because you can search by any word from the title or author or subject or any field. It ensures a sure success of information retrieval. The restrictions of the traditional catalogue disappear because the order of words becomes immaterial in a computer environment. Simple search option prompts the user to enter words to be searched. Search can be made in several fields.

Advance Search

This interface allows developing complex search strategies. Boolean operators ‘And’, ‘Or’ and ‘Not’ are used in perfecting the searches. For making an advance search, select the Database type (Books, Articles etc.) and search restricted to a specific field with the option to form a “phrase” or choosing “OR”, “AND” operators from the combo box.

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