Gopal Chandra Memorial College of Education

(Govt. Aided Co-educational Institute)

গোপাল চন্দ্র স্মৃতি শিক্ষক শিক্ষণ মহাবিদ্যালয়

गोपाल चन्द्र स्मृति शिक्षक शिक्षण महाबिद्य़ालय

Recognized by NCTE and Affiliated to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University (BSAEU)

Notice for B.Ed. 1st Semester Students (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 05-10-2024]     Corrigendum Notice [Notice Dated: 28-09-2024]     3rd Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 27-09-2024]     2nd Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 23-09-2024]     1st Provisional Merit List (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 18-09-2024]     Provisional Merit List for All Subjects (2024-26 Session) [Notice Dated: 17-09-2024]     Notice regarding Provisional Merit List for B.Ed. Admission 2024-26 Session [Notice Dated: 17-09-2024]     Rules & Regulations of Online Application for B.Ed. Admission (2024-2026 Session) (Dated: August, 2024)    

Alumni Association

Welcome to Alumni Affairs

The College is proud to have as its alumni a group of students, teachers, Directors and Inspectors of School Education, Higher Education and entrepreneurs.

The Institute has enjoyed the status of 'Alumni Association' since 2004.

Memorandum of Association (MoA)
of GCM College of Education Alumni Association

1. Aims and Objectives of the Association

The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:

A. to provide a forum for the Members of the Alumni Association (herein after referred to as the Members) to interact amongst themselves as also with the Principal, Teachers and the present students of GCM College of Education, New Barrackpore, Kolkata-700131(herein after referred to as the College).

B. to bring together the ex students of GCM College of Education, New Barrackpore, Kolkata-700131 and to promote fellowship amongst them and their families.

C. to disseminate knowledge and know-how for the mutual benefit of the Members as also for the benefit of the College.

D. to undertake
i) Intellectual, academic and cultural activities
ii) Sports and games
iii) Entertainment programmes
iv) Improvements to existing infrastructure of the College and
v) Social service etc. for the benefit of the Members as also of the College and for the society at large, as detailed under:

a. to create a website of the Association and up load the same on to the Internet so that relevant information pertaining to the affairs of the Association, can be made available for the benefit of all the Members.

b. to conduct academic meets such as conferences, workshops, seminars, lectures by eminent personalities from various walks of life etc. for the Members as also for the present students and/or teachers of the College on various current subjects/topics of interest and relevance.

c. to undertake activities such as career counseling, medical checkup camps and other similar programs for the benefit of the present students of the College.

d. to mobilise donations from the Members and others for charitable purposes for the benefit of citizens of this country in the event of natural calamities like earthquake, flood etc.

e. to establish permanent Corpus Fund for providing need based financial assistance to the Members as also the present students of the College for the treatment diseases and ailments.

f. to publish magazines for highlighting the activities and achievements of the Association.

g. to conduct, for the Members, various activities such as get-togethers, sports and games, picnics, excursions, cultural programmes etc.

h. With the prior permission of the College’s Principal, the College premises and/or facilities may be used/utilised by the Association for holding/conducting its official programmes, functions or activities, in accordance with the Association’s objectives, enumerated herein above. The College Premises shall not be used or utilised for holding or conducting any personal programme, function or activity of any member of the Association - whether he/she is a General/ordinary Member or an office Bearer/Committee Member.

2. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Managing Committee comprising a Hon. President, a Hon. Vice President, a Hon. General Secretary, a Hon. Assistant Secretary, a Hon. Treasurer, and four Hon. Committee Members.

3. In the process of achieving the above objectives, principles of good corporate governance shall be strictly adhered to and the provisions of The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 as also the terms and conditions of the Registration shall be followed in letter and in spirit.

4. The Accounting Year of the Association shall be from 1st April of a year to the 31st March of next year.

5. All the incomes, earnings, movable and immovable properties of the Association shall be solely utilised and applied only towards the promotion of its objectives as stated herein above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred by way of dividends/bonus/profits or in any other manner whatsoever, to the present or past Members either directly or indirectly.

6. No Member shall have any claim on any movable or immovable properties or the funds of the Association or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of his Membership.

7. The Memorandum of Association and the Bye Laws of the Association shall be duly registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961.

8. The President of the Association is authorized to correspond with the Registrar of Societies.

Sl. No. Full Name Designation/Post held Signature
1. Hon. President - -
2. Hon. Vice President - -
3. Hon. General Secretary - -
4. Hon. Assist. General Secretary - -
5. Hon. Treasurer - -
6. Hon. Committee Member - -
7. Hon. Committee Member - -
8. Hon. Committee Member - -
9. Hon. Committee Member - -

Bye Laws and Regulations
GCM College of Education Alumni Association
New Barrackpore, Kolkata-700131

1. The Name

The Name of the Society shall be ‘GCM College of Education Alumni Association’ (herein after referred to as the Association)

2. The Registered Address and Contact details

(a) The Registered Address of the Association shall be as follows:

C/o The Principal,
GCM College of Education
P. O. New Barrackpore,
West Bengal, India

(b) The Official Email ID of the association shall be as follows:


(c) The Official Website of the Association shall be 

3. Registration

The Association shall be duly registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961.

4. The Objective

The objective of these Bye Laws is to regulate the functioning of the Association in fulfilling its objectives as enunciated in the Memorandum of Association (MoA), on the principles of good corporate governance and in accordance with the provisions of West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 as also the terms and conditions of the Certificate of Registration.

5. Activities

Subject to the provisions of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 and the terms and conditions of the Certificate of Registration, the Association, through its Managing Committee, shall carry on its activities in furtherance to the objectives outlined in the MoA.

6. Management Committee (MC)

The day-to-day affairs of the Association shall be carried on and managed in accordance with the MoA and these Bye Laws, by a Management Committee (herein after referred to as MC) comprising 5 (five) Office Bearers and 4 (four) Committee Members, all on honorary basis, as under:

Hon. President - 1
Hon. Vice President - 1
Hon. General Secretary - 1
Hon. Assistant Secretary - 1
Hon. Treasurer - 1
Hon. Committee Members - 4

7. Responsibility of Management Committee

The MC shall be collectively responsible and accountable for the decisions taken and directions given to the Association within the framework of the MoA and Bye-Laws. For the decisions, if any, taken in violation of MoA or the Bye Laws, the members of the MC shall be responsible and accountable not only collectively but also severally.

8. Membership

Any ex-student of GCM College of Education, Kolkata-700131 shall be eligible for the membership of the Association.

9. Categories of Members

There shall be two categories of Members viz. Life Member and Ordinary Member.

10. Admission/Enrolment of Members

Admission/Enrolment of an ex student of the College, vide 8 above, either as an Ordinary Member or as a Life Member of the Association, shall be considered by the MC on the basis of the particulars furnished by the applicant in his/her application, in the prescribed form, which is required to be submitted to the Hon. General Secretary and on payment of the stipulated Entry Fees and the Annual subscription (in the case of ordinary member) or the stipulated Life Membership fees (in the case of Life Membership).

11. Alumni Register

A Register and/or an electronic database of Members, incorporating all the relevant particulars, with reference to the membership applications received, shall be maintained at the Registered Office by the Hon. General Secretary.

12. Change of Address of Member

If a member changes his/her postal address and/or e-mail ID, he/she shall notify his/her new address/email ID to the Hon. General Secretary, in writing. The address/email ID, in the Alumni Register, shall be accordingly changed. However, if he/she fails to notify his/her new address/email ID, the address/email ID in the Alumni Register shall be deemed to be his/her current address, for communication purposes.

13. Communication with Members

All communications from the Association to the Members shall be through email except where the Member makes a specific request in writing, for alternate means of communication.

Communications to the Members shall be sent by the Hon. General Secretary or in his absence or at his request, by the Hon. Assistant Secretary.

14. Communication by the Members

Members may communicate with the Association either through post/courier or through email. All communications to the Association shall be addressed to the Hon. General Secretary by designation and not by name.

15. Rights and Obligations of Members

Members are eligible to,
(i) receive the Association’s Publications and e-Newsletters
(ii) exercise their vote in the Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) and Special General Body Meeting (SGBM)
(iii) register on the Association’s Website
(iv) attend and partake in the events and activities that may be conducted by the Association
(v) receive, at the AGBM, Annual Reports and Statements of Accounts
(vi) contest for election to any of the posts in the MC.

Members can avail of the services and initiatives offered from time to time by the Association.

Members shall conduct themselves with decency, decorum and dignity and shall abide by the provisions of the MoA and Bye Laws of the Association while representing the Association and participating in the various meetings or events of the Association.

No Member shall say or do anything which will jeopardize the interests of the Association or bring bad repute to it.

16. The General Body

The General Body of the Association shall be the supreme authority in all matters pertaining to the Association with the exception of day-to-day functioning. It shall consist of the Members (Ordinary Members and Life Members) registered in the Alumni Register.

17. Formation and Functions of Management Committee

a. The Office Bearers and the MC members shall be duly elected through a secret ballot in an election to be conducted prior to the commencement of the AGBM by the Returning Officer.

b. The MC shall manage and carry on the day-to-day affairs of the Association in accordance with the MoA and these Bye laws.

18. Duties and Powers of Management Committee

The powers and duties of the MC shall be:

i) To raise funds for conducting the various activities of the Association on such terms and conditions as may be determined from time to time by the MC.

ii) To actively work towards increasing the membership and participation.

iii) To provide funds for the various activities of the Association has decided by the MC within the budgetary provisions made.

19. Duties and Powers of the Office Bearers

Hon. President:
The Hon. President shall be responsible for the overall functioning of the Association and its MC. He/she shall chair the meetings of the MC and the AGB or the Special General Body of the Association. He/she shall carry out all other tasks and discharge all responsibilities specifically mentioned in these Bye Laws.

Hon. Vice President:
The Hon. Vice President shall render assistance to the Hon. President in the discharge of the latter’s duties and responsibilities and shall substitute for the President during the latter’s temporary absence.

Hon. General Secretary
The Hon. General Secretary shall, (i) convene the meetings of the MC, AGB, Special General Body (ii) maintain the minutes of the meetings (iii) maintain the Alumni Register duly updated at any given point of time (iv) look after the correspondence from/to the Association and (v) discharge other responsibilities and duties specifically cast on him/her in these Bye laws.

Hon. Asst. Secretary
The Hon. Assistant Secretary shall render assistance to the Hon General Secretary in the discharge of the latter’s duties and responsibilities and shall substitute for the Hon General Secretary during the latter’s temporary absence.

Hon. Treasurer
The Hon. Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial aspects of the Association. In particular, he/she shall be responsible for the following: 

(i) The proper up keep of accounts relating to receipts and payments as also income and expenditure

(ii) Custody of cash and negotiable instruments received, including cheque leaves received from the bank/s, cheque/s received from Members and others towards payment to the Association

iii) Maintaining a mirror account of the bank account and reconciling the balances with the bank/s at regular monthly intervals

(iv) Issue of proper receipts for monies received

(v) Receiving and maintaining vouchers/bills/receipts for expenditure incurred

(vi) Preparation of summarised quarterly statements of accounts for consideration of MC

(vii) Preparation of Annual Statements of Accounts [statements of
(a) Receipts and Payments
(b) Income and Expenditure and
(c) Balance Sheet]

(viii) Preparation of Annual budget and other ad-hoc budgets as and when required.

(ix) Render assistance to the internal and external auditors in their audit work.

20. Voting Rights of Members

Every Member, whether Ordinary or Life member, shall have one vote. In case of a tie, the Chairperson of the AGB Meeting shall have the right of a casting vote.

21. Eligibility Criteria for Contesting in the Elections

Any bonafide Member, whether Ordinary Member or Life Member, shall be eligible to contest for any of the positions/posts in the MC provided he/she has no outstanding dues towards the Association and that no disciplinary/legal case connected with the affairs of the Association is pending against him/her, as on the date of his/her filing nomination for the election.

A member seeking election as above can contest for only one post/position.

1) Subscription and Fees

a. At the time of enrolment as a Member (Ordinary or Life) an enrolment fees of Rs. ----------/- (Rupees ------------------------------ only) shall be payable by the applicant as an one time measure.

b. The Annual Membership Fee shall be Rs. ----------/- (Rupees ------------------------------ only)

c. The Life Membership Fee shall be Rs. ----------/- (Rupees ------------------------------ only) at the time of applying for the Life Membership.

d. The Membership Fee (Ordinary or Life) is payable by 30th June every year and is payable in advance i.e. for a prospective period.

e. The MC shall have the powers to review the fee structure and make changes as may be considered appropriate and fit.

2) Bank Account Management

The Hon. Treasurer shall arrange to open a suitable account with a commercial bank whose branch is conveniently situated, whose timings are suitable and which provides internet banking facility.

The account shall be in the name of the Association and operated jointly by any 2 (two) Officials as under:

The Hon. Treasurer jointly with either the Hon. General Secretary or Hon. Asst. Secretary or Hon. President or Hon. Vice President.

22. Funds

Money received from members towards registration fees, annual or life membership fees, donations and subscriptions received from Members and others, interest received on savings bank account and dividend or interest received on investments, shall be the sources of income of the Association and the aggregate of these shall constitute the Association’s Fund. The excess of income over expenditure shall be held as General Reserves and utilised as per Bye Law by the Finance Sub Committee with the approval of MC.

23. Filing of Annual Report and other Documents with Registrar of Societies

The Hon. General Secretary shall file the required number of copy/copies of the under noted documents, with the West Bengal Registrar of Societies at the office of Jurisdiction, before completion of 14 (fourteen) days from the date of Annual General Body Meeting:

i) The Annual Report,
ii) The Audited Statements of Accounts viz. (a) Statement of Receipts and Payments (b) Statement of Income and Expenditure for the financial year ended - and (c) Balance Sheet as on that date,
iii) A list showing the names, addresses and occupations of the persons who shall be office bearers and members of the MC, for the next financial year,
iv) Any other document/s that may be required to be filed.

24. Saving

In case a Bye law relating to any of the aspects of the functioning of the Association is not found in these bye laws or is ambiguous, the provisions of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 shall prevail.

Sl. No. Full Name Designation/Post held Signature

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